Wednesday, 5 March 2014


           Outrage across the nation, voices blaring from microphones! Voices, they are just voices! What good are the voices when the ears they fall on are deaf? Injustice, inhumanity these are the names given to deeds performed against women these days.  Names, what good are names when it is not tackled? The women of our country can only be called contrasting because even among women there are differences of opinion of how they should be treated. While there are feminist ladies down in the streets screaming for their so called freedom there are women inside their kitchens making rotis for their husbands, calling this entire riot futile. So it is known for a fact that the empowerment of women should begin with the creation of a unanimous idea of revolution. The revolution can only be meaningful only when goal is actually equality.
               Opening car doors for us, elegantly letting us by with a much used phrase “ladies first” may account for gallantry but what the women today are looking for is not gallantry but equality! The abundance women centric hate songs we find these days in the films are just downright disturbing. the women of today sometimes do pass this on as a joke maybe it should be handled as a joke maybe it needs attention the answer to this is in the minds of the writer who writes with the thought that blaming an entire gender would compromise for his loss. Women should be given equal stature in all their walks of life. Their choices respected their perspectives appreciated if correct, corrected if flawed. Women do not need a knight in a shining armor anymore they can fight their own battles. We see countless number of working silently running their family from the background and yet the male member will be crowned the main bread winner of the family, a dashing injustice that one.
          If the empowerment women should be rightly brought about it should start from the women themselves. They must understand and experience the true sense of freedom. Freedom in the sense taking a deserted road home without having a fear of getting molested, of being treated like scum, like someone weaker. When it stops being a true bliss to return home safely, when the superior (a lady mind that) can give out orders to her colleagues without being branded as a boss-lady, when the door opening and clearing of paths are done due to a sense of respect, when the wolf whistles, women hater anthems stop, when the extreme feminism, the race to superiority is put to a rest, when women drivers are not branded to be professional killers the women race will stand enlightened, empowered and undauntingly liberated !     


  1. Just saw a post in The Sarcastic Retards about gender equality and all..
    I personally feel, independence and equality of mankind is a state of mind and thinking and has got nothing to do with what you shelter between your legs. Then again, I say this and I am a crude bitch.!!
    I'd rather be a free mind than a mindless feminist..!!

  2. my mentor speaks !! what do think will happen if we voiced this in our "surroundings" ?

  3. You should lead the "gulaab gang"! forget'll cause bigger riots with this sort of "punch"packed writing!
