Monday, 16 September 2013


Our sense of justice, of love, of truth, of bravery and fallacy is all based on what we are subjected to as kids. You learn when you grow up that there is no perfect perception to anything. There is no right view or the completely wrong one there is just your view and mine and nothing more. What I write here is about how my perception of everything under the sun came into existence and how the presence of certain elements moulded it. I am not going to justify anything, there is just going to be this narration of how certain imaginary, undeniably fictional and undauntingly inspirational people inspired a generation.
     It is only legit to start with the first thing that I ever saw on the television which got me glued and later in life I came to know that actually most of my virtues in life is based on this anime show (anime is described as animation mostly created in Japan and as an unique style, differing in lot of ways from the other counterparts) I saw as a kid and yes that was a surprise! The name of show is DRAGONBALL Z. I followed Goku, a monkey-tailed boy from space, chase after dragonballs, befriend bulma, yamcha, I laughed when he laughed cried when he refused to give up even to the biggest of enemies.
I saw him grow up, get married, have kids I got inspired has he turned his enemies into friends. As he defeated all his nemesis I jumped up in joy now when I face my fears I see goku there cheering for me. Telling me that there nothing more significant than the people I love in my life. So to goku gratitude goes in abundance.
    Then there is everyone’s favourite dog, Scooby doo he taught me that the real monsters are inside us and there are humans who hide their true faces to show the glossy or the scary side.
Tom and Jerry which taught me a nemesis can be our pal one day.
Dexter taught it is okay to be a nerd sometimes even if people laugh at you, he taught that  it’s not because you are not making sense, it’s because you are beyond their league. 

  Swat Kats taught me to never give in to evil.
Batman taught us that we should never let our fears get the better of us. He taught that the strength comes at the cost of subduing feelings. He showed us even the strongest of the heroes have to take their fall but they will rise with the power of the spirit within us. He taught us we should not always expect credit for our work and that the work itself is joy.
          Transformers, the show about robots which transform into automobile ironically taught me more about leadership and teamwork and how to stick to your ideal till death than my school or any other real place did.
Now moving on to the more recent impacts, the first one in the list has got to be the anime loved worldwide , FAIRY TAIL, I know most of them will assume it is about Cinderella and Rapunzel finding their princes but you are gravely mistaken fairy tail is about the magical land of  Fiore which has wizards among its population and the wizards together form guilds and practice magic, we follow Natsu dragneel also known as the salamander who possesses the power of fire and has a magic called as the dragon slayer magic.
Natsu with Lucy and Happy, the winged cat, go on a series of missions for a living. Fairy tail taught me that your family is the most important thing in life and it isn’t sacrifice when you do it for your family, it’s just natural.
            Naruto is a show about a little boy and his dream to become the leader of his ninja village. The boy who wanted to prove a point to the villagers who treated him bad by becoming the hokage. It showed me how to never abandon your friends; it showed me that we can overcome anything with the power of your will.
It showed me that there is no greater love than the love of a parent, that Siblings don’t give up on you and that true love knows no obstacles.

          Bleach, the story of a substitute soul-reaper clearly pointed out that we should never let our inner demons win. It proved that we should never let our past ruin our future or worse our present.
It says the dead should be honoured and remembered forever.
       Fullmetal alchemist says there are things in life that you can never bring back. No matter how hard you try. It says every gain comes with a price. It made me mould myself a fullmetal heart.
How can we forget Pokémon, it was a craving for a whole generation. Ash Ketchum taught us to never give up on our dreams no matter how impossible it may seem. “Gotta catch ‘em all” he would say. Pikachu taught us loyalty with love.
There are infinite numbers of anime that I would love to mention here but the article had to be finite. To tell you of the virtues instilled well that’s easier. They taught never to judge people by their looks or their present behaviour. Never be over confident about your skills there can always be someone to surpass. Take a chance in life because life is random. It showed me no one makes it through life being completely honest and that we should not run away from fear that we should fight it head on. The most important thing it taught me is to accept who I really am without any compromises or fallacy.
        So the next time you see an anime or cartoon think twice before you deem it childish and laugh at it. It could redefine someone’s life. Or wait go ahead have your laugh that is your side of the coin and I will stand by mine.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i cant believe in the name of gods! u started off wid anime? :\
    #words admired thou!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Indu proud of you man! You put all that you say as a book and it'll be a best-seller in a week! You're amazing indus but you're more than a gifted writer. Awesome post! Keep writing fellow blogger!
